Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Snow Day!

I hope everyone had a fantastic Martin Luther King, Jr. day. Congratulations to Branson School's students for their first snow day of 2008. Freezing rain last night combined with a 12 degree sunrise this morning led to icy roads and locked doors at the school. Be extremely careful if you are driving this morning!

On Saturday I got a chance to check out NICA's (National Ice Carving Association) 2nd Annual Ice Sculpting event at the Titanic Museum. It was a very unique experience. I got to watch at least 17 entries being carved by bare-handed sculptors ranging in age from 13 to over 50. Each sculptor was on a time limit and you got points for using as much of the ice as possible, including the scraps. I didn't stick around for the awards ceremony, but the sculptures were still there the next day completely finished. If you ever get a chance to see something like this I would highly recommend it.

Well I hope everyone is staying warm. Have a wonderful day and drive safe!

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