Monday, January 28, 2008

Branson Regional Airport

Well I hope everyone managed to get reacquainted with the sunshine this weekend! What beautiful Ozarks weather. Get ready for some possible snow tomorrow. You know how the saying goes, if you don't like the weather in the Ozarks, just be patient, it will change.

Many of you have already heard rumors about a possible airport coming to Branson. Well the rumors are true! Branson Regional Airport, soon to be the only privately financed and operated commercial airport in the U.S., is currently scheduled for take-off in May, 2009. It is being constructed on a location roughly 8 miles south of the heart of Branson. So far, 11million tons (that’s 22,000,000,000 pounds!) of dirt have been moved, and when all is said and done, they will have moved over 12 million tons. The next major step is to begin paving the runway, starting this April or May. I have lots more information about the Branson Regional Airport coming soon, so keep reading and I'll keep you updated. Many structural aspects of the project are in their final design stages, so look for some neat renderings coming soon!

If there is anything going on around Branson that you would like to read more about, please let me know. I am also still looking for people who would like to be featured on the blog as well. I love hearing your feedback!

Have a great day!



At February 14, 2008 at 5:19 PM , Blogger The Lorax said...

Dustin... is this for fun, or are you affiliated with the new airport in some way?


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