Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Winner's Edge

Most of you probably don't know that I played racquetball for Missouri State University during my four year career there. I was fortunate enough to play in many tournaments, including the National Collegiate Championships at Arizona State University. Last night I got a chance to hear a fellow racquetball player giving a motivational speech to College of the Ozarks students.

At the age of 18, Bruce Bugoski awoke from a coma to a group of doctors explaining to him that he would never walk again. He had been in a terrible car accident. Bruce had the courage and willpower to prove the doctors wrong by regaining full use of his body. He took it a step farther by also excelling in athletics, achieving a state championship in racquetball twice, a state championship in softball, and coaching baseball, football, and tennis. He has personally trained and coached many elite athletes, as well as giving many powerful and inspiring speeches. Bruce has a motto we should all add to our daily lives -- GOYA (Get Off Your... Attitude!) He demonstrated to us just how easy it is to go through life without giving 100% and not even realizing it. Did you know that stretching your calves is actually the most closely related stretch to achieving relaxation and concentration? Thanks Bruce!

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